Available articles Technical articles Technical articles, covering Web development, Mac OS X & iPhone developement, computer science, software deployment, system administration, etc. All articles are published under the GNU Free Documentation...
Public discussions: PCA calculation crash
I eperience crash while using cvCalcPCA.
Is there a bug in cxcore that app crashes while calling cvCalcPCA method ?
Which version of OpenCV did you use to make one for iOS ?
Can I ask you for the latest build of OpenCV release for iPhone ?
Application no longer available Unfortunately, this application has been removed from the AppStore, by request of Apple. You can read the full story on our blog. Source code is available on GitHub. About FileSystem is an application that allows you...
Legacy software This software has been discontinued and is no longer maintained. Latest Mac OS X versions are not supported. Easily access the latest applications updates for Mac OS X or iPhone from your menu bar, and using Growl-style...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Overview OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision. This project is a port of the OpenCV library for...
C & Objective-C quiz
C & Objective-C programming quiz This quiz will test your knowledge of the ANSI-C and Objective-C programming languages. The following topics are covered: Data types Memory management Pointer arithmetic Compiler issues Portability Standard C...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Featured Projects XEOS is an experimental 32 bits Operating System for x86 platforms, written in Assembly and C, including a C89 Standard Library (with some C99...
GitHub All our OpenSource projects have been migrated to GitHub. Feel free to fork! Overview Obj-C Extended Log is a replacement library for the for the built-in NSLog() function, from the Apple Core Foundation framework. It provides better logging...
Cocoa: Delegate chain system
Implementing a delegate chain system in Objective-C Author: Jean-David Gadina <> Copyright (C) Jean-David Gadina. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,...